
What is this Time?
Which is neither yours nor mine.

What is this Time?
Which never stops nor rewinds.

What is this Time?...

Present since the start of days,
Past, present and future are stories it says.

Biggest healer known to man,
It can cure scars no medicine ever can.

A gladiator who wins all its fight,
Everyone perishes before its undying might. 

Worth?!, is the most interesting of all,
Those who know, rise while others fall.

Respect it, be clever,
For once it passes its gone forever.

They say "Time and Tide, wait for none"
It's a fire which lives while everything burns.

Whatever you choose, whatever you decide,
Know this one truth before you ride,
Time can be a bliss, Time can be a curse,
But whatever it does it never goes back in reverse.

"TIME, The Biggest Enemy,
       The Greatest Friend."




One response to “TIME”

  1. Aditi Avatar

    Really nice 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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