
I know life is not all proses and rhymes.

At times it just exclaims!

Every step carries a question,

And every paragraph has its own frame.

Somehow we never run out of conjunctions,

Neither do we run short of scenes.

And no matter how hard we try for perfection,

We mess things up with that punctuation in between.

Despite all this we believe in someone else’s writings.

Knowing deep down that we all are the same, human beings.

So why does this happen?

While most of us keep documenting our lives,

Some write a poem with their feelings.

3 responses to “Con-Text”

  1. Era Avatar

    Nice poem 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nishant Gang Avatar

      Thanks Era 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Era Avatar

        You’re welcome 🙂


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